INSTRUCTIONS for AuthorsThe proposal (a title, an abstract of around 250 words and 5 keywords) must be submitted by one of the authors via this website.
If you have an account, press "Login" in the right upper corner. If you don't have an account, create an account by pressing an arrow near "Login" in the upper right corner and "Create Account". After registration, you will receive an email with an Account activation link. Log in to submit your Paper. In case of difficulty, the proposal can be sent by e-mail to info@olos.swiss. The deadline for submission is August 19th, 2024.
1. PAPER Presentation of advanced experience and innovative projects on specific dimensions of Research Data solutions / good practices / challenges. It should be summarized in a short abstract (250 words). The presentation duration is set to 20 minutes followed by a 5-minute question session.
Brief presentation outlining an ongoing project, an innovative idea, or a relevant experience to be shared and debated with the scientific community. It should be summarized in a short abstract (150 words). The presentation duration is set to 10 minutes and thus needs to be well structured to respect the allocated time.
Concrete illustration of Research Data processing or Long-Term Preservation technologies, standards, tools, systems, and models that have recently been developed, adopted, or experienced. The presentation can be a showcase of the functionalities of some specific tools, software, etc. The details of the demonstration, including any technical aspects and requirements are to be summarized in a short abstract (250 words). The presentation duration is set to 20 minutes, followed by a 5-minute question session.
Animation of a workshop. Please provide a short abstract (500 words) on the chosen theme, including all details of the workshop session and technical and material needs. The workshop duration can take one or two sessions of 1h30. 4. POSTER Posters must be A0 portrait format (119 cm high x 84 cm wide). Text and illustrations must be clearly visible, so that all posters can be read from a distance of 2 meters. The recommended size for text is 24 pt or larger. Headings should be 44 pt or larger. At the top of the poster, in approximately 2.5 to 3 cm bold type, the presenter should indicate the title of the article, the name(s) of the author(s) and the affiliation. The title and authors must be the same as those indicated on the submission. The content of the poster must be self-explanatory and presented in such a way that viewers within one or two meters of the poster can clearly read and grasp the meaning of the work and its central message within a few minutes. A dedicated area will be set aside for posters. Appropriate material for displaying posters will be provided on site. Authors presenting a poster are requested to be available during the presentation sessions (the schedule will be provided prior to the conference date). There will also be a session during which authors will have two minutes to present their poster. The printed version of the poster must be brought by the author personally and cannot be mailed in advance. COMMUNICATION The time allowed is 20 minutes, including oral presentation and questions.
CONFERENCE LANGUAGE The language of the presentation is English.
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